

Friday, February 11, 2022

 Thank you to Maria Fernanda Del Castillo Sucerquia for translating my poem into Spanish.


I've climbed the towering heights of wind whipped trees,

each branch a seemingly ceaseless life suffered and lived.

Climbed crumbling steep stairs, narrow, rail-less,

every lift a courageous victory

over what strived to drag or cast me down.

Climbed out of an abysmal pit,

out of the cold, cloying clutch of the dark of condemnation

and into the warm, free embrace of merciful light,

as if my life depended on it.

Because it did.


he escalado las imponentes alturas de los árboles azotados por el viento
cada rama vivió y sufrió una vida incesante

subí empinadas y desmoronadas escaleras
estrechas, sin rieles, y cada levantamiento fue un triunfo 
sobre lo que se insistía en arrastrarme o derribarme 

salí de un abismal pozo, fuera de las frías y empalagosas garras
de la oscuridad, su condenación, y entré al cálido y emancipador
abrazo de la luz misericordiosa
como si mi vida dependiera de ello 

porque lo hizo 

 Thank you to Mark Antony Rossi of Ariel Chart for publishing this poem in the February issue.

The Jester Becomes The Jest


The sulking funny man on whom this day the tables are turned.

He has been momentarily shamed.

He must consider his current condition

while he holds the title of laughingstock.


He must call to mind past moments 

when he tricked others to play the fool.


His tricks have compromised his reputation.

Sadly, he hoots like a downhearted owl,

but the masked and pretentious merely yawn at his gags.

His life now measured by each shattering of his heart,

and his overlooked wishes.


His only hope for recovery 

lies in better reading people’s responses,

and body language,

and the fact that he must learn to care.

 Thank you to Maria Fernanda Del Castillo Sucerquia for translating this poem into Spanish.


Dip beneath the whirring birds.

Accept the shine as polished silver

that scatters the light

like woven sunbeams.

Remember your purpose.

You have your house to build.

Learn all that you are capable of,

and remember that worm becomes butterfly.


sumérgete en el canto de los pájaros
acepta el brillo, como lustrada plata
que dispersa y teje los rayos del sol
recuerda tu propósito
hay una casa por construir
aprende todo lo que seas capaz
y recuerda que la oruga se torna mariposa 

 Thank you to Mark Antony Rossi for publishing this poem in the February issue of Ariel Chart.

Eco Echoes

 I can recall former days-


a clear fluid escalator,

rolling down rocks.

 Oh, I remember the blue, crisp, clear display of water,

 little fishes with shiny fins,

darting back and forth.


The future looking grim-

gray, brown, scummy liquid,

fetid, rancid,

 white globs floating on top of the pond.

I don’t want to know what those used to be.

 Thank you to Maria Fernanda Del Castillo Sucerquia for translating this poem into Spanish.


Within this tearful melancholy day,

when sorrow from a thousand eyes hangs in the air,

and floats as mist;

On such a day, there's only one thing to do,

breathe in that mist,

inhale the tears of the many

so that you will not know loneliness.


en este día melancólico y lluvioso
con el dolor de mil ojos flotando en el aire
suspendido como la niebla
sólo hay una cosa por hacer:
inhalar, entre la bruma, el llanto de los muchos
para no conocer la soledad

 Thank you to Mark Antony Rossi for publishing my poem in the February issue of Ariel Chart.

When Dreams Stream Into Prominence

 Cry only when all hope is lacking,

but only then.

Partial failings do not set the daily bet.

 The once reluctant aspect

of opening your heart

flips itself on its head,

gaining positive momentum,

spiraling upward,

landing on a sturdy girder of a splendid edifice

which once built secures hopes and dreams.

 Whatever warnings you think you’ve heard,

when it all feels right,

hold your new truths ever dearer.

 Rhetoric can never be affirmed,

so downplay its squat and ugly impact,

give and accept tenderness to and from all sides.

 When your life becomes a halcyon affair,

tranquil brilliance will stream into prominence,

and you will do no harm.