Thank you very much to Strider Marcus Jones of the Lothlorien Poetry Journal for publishing three of my poems today.
A Wash Of Stars
There was a great tremble
in the sky.
What could terror rend?
A wash of stars fell.
Pieces echoing foul tones as they bounced,
but we were too decisively assailed upon
to hold still
and listen
to the calculated atonal hammering
that assaulted
even the ears of the deaf.
And the new stars gleamed.
Lazarus, The Refined
The once dead Lazarus
wakes, stands up, steps over
the dull coins that fall from his eyes.
He feels the power of his old death,
which came without warning,
and supposedly no remedy,
as a dreamy memory.
His awkwardness falls away as the vanishing heaviness,
once laid upon him, becomes forgotten.
He escapes
the hazy straitjacket of his passing,
the ratification of his death is repealed.
He greets Joshua like a friend from the ages.
When one helps you rise,
it is one’s duty to transform
into a courageous, yet genteel gentleman.
Although even as a corpse,
he behaved quite well.
Snakes In Church
Trying to prove belief,
confident there will be no wounded effect,
each a fortunate recipient of protection of faith
as you spell out all your sins,
and give a fitting commitment,
expressing penitence to other worthy ears.
Within a bottle of absinthe, something sinister lurks.
Those who partake return with a stranger’s face.
The endless green of liquid jade,
creating a synthesia formed
from sunlight spilling corona rays as castanets.
Flowing heaven or hell on earth,
from each a power overcomes.
A power to feel something grand,
but too much of either is a dangerous thing.